Monday, April 16, 2012

24 Day Challenge: Days 8-10

Immediately after waking, take your PROBIOTIC RESTORE ULTRA TABLETS with water

Take 2 OMEGAPLEX with meal
*Be sure to use a shaker to mix fiber drink as it can get clumpy.  Drink immediately after mixing.  If you do not like the taste/consistency of the Fiber Drink you can try adding a splash of your SPARK to it or a little lower sugar orange juice to help with the taste/consistency*
Have a bowl or piece of fruit (grapefruit or berries are good choices)
Eggs (add chopped veggies to eggs if desired) OR Oatmeal (serving size: 1/2 cup woman or 1 cup men)
**Advocare Meal Replacement Shakes are also a great alternative for breakfast on the 24 day challenge**

Mid Morning:
Drink a glass of water
Snack options: Fruit, raw veggies, Larabar, unsalted almonds, cashews, rice cake with almond butter, etc.

Drink a glass of Water
Lean Protein (Chicken, Tuna, Salmon) with a salad or veggies

Mid Afternoon:
Tired? Drink a SPARK or water
Snack options: Fruit, raw veggies, Larabar, unsalted almonds, cashews, rice cake with almond butter, etc.

Take 2 OMEGAPLEX with meal
Lean Protein (Chicken, Tuna, Salmon) with Veggies
Add salad if desired

Snack options: Fruit, lean protein, 1/4 cup unsalted almonds or cashews

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